Protestors head to Parliament Square for Billy Hood
Join Billy's friends and supporters today, calling on the British government to help Billy come home. Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in...

Good Morning Britain TV with Radha Stirling, Susanna Reid & Ben Shephard on Billy Hood case
A 24-year-old football coach has been sentenced to 25 years in prison in Dubai after police discovered 4 small bottles of CBD oil, which...

GB News: Colin Brazier interviews Radha Stirling of Detained in Dubai on CBD oil in Dubai
Jailed in Dubai: Billy hood locked up for 25 years over CBD oil found in car 'Dubai police are incentivised to secure drugs convictions...

5 News TV report on Billy Hood cast with family & Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai
5 News TV report on Billy Hood, sentenced to 25 years in notorious Dubai jail after his visiting friend left tiny bottles of mixed CBD...

Billy Hood - what will the British FCDO do to help the footballer sentenced to 25 years for CBD oil?
Billy Hood has been sentenced to remain in Dubai's notorious prison until his 49th birthday. But what is the UK Embassy and British FCDO...

Billy Hood - what will the British FCDO do to help the footballer sentenced to 25 years for CBD oil?
Billy Hood has been sentenced to remain in Dubai's notorious prison until his 49th birthday. But what is the UK Embassy and British FCDO...

PETITION: Increase FCDO Travel Warnings & Advice to the UAE
Increase FCDO Travel Warnings & Advice to the UAE Increase travel warnings to the UAE so British citizens can make informed decisions...

Good Morning Britain interview with Radha Stirling on Billy Hood case
"A 24-year-old football coach has been sentenced to 25 years in prison in Dubai after police discovered 4 small bottles of CBD oil, which...

Prisoner warns Billy Hood's family “Britain won’t help you”
The question on most families' minds when a loved one is arrested in the Middle East is “will the British foreign office help us?”...

24 year old pro footballer sentenced to 25 years over CBD in Dubai
The UAE has arrested dozens of foreigners for 'crimes' like having a poppyseed on the bottom of one's shoe, having prescription medicine,...