Assange: NGO calls for extradition treaty review Interpol and extradition focussed NGO has called on several Parliamentary Committees to investigat
California tech guy tortured into sending crypto to Dubai cops with threats to rape his wife.
American cryptocurrency entrepreneur was tortured into emptying his crypto wallet amidst brutal beatings by Dubai’s Police
Calls for boycott over Cornell Whitfield detention in Dubai
Calls for Dubai boycott over Miami bodyguard’s detention in Dubai TreySongz’ bodyguard, Cornell Whitfield from Miami, was sentenced to...
Tara Reade is about deflection, not defection’
Tara Reade, the former congressional aide to then-Senator Joe Biden; who has accused the American president of sexual assault did not...
US Veteran Stuck in Prison After Dubai “loses passport”
Afghanistan veteran and PTSD sufferer, Shannon Johnston, held in Dubai debtors prison because authorities “lost his passport”. “My father...
U.S. grandfather trapped in Dubai for ten years over debts he doesn’t owe and can never pay
Missouri /California grandfather trapped in Dubai for ten years over mainly debts he doesn’t owe and can never pay. Man jailed and...
US veteran JAILED in Dubai 'hell hole' over bank debts will never be allowed to leave
Afghanistan soldier with PTSD jailed in Abu Dhabi, reveals hellish prison conditions A 44 year old PTSD sufferer and Afghanistan veteran...
CONVICTED - LA Times Podcast American Arrested in Abu Dhabi
Nichole Coffel speaks for the first time about the shocking Abu Dhabi system that saw her facing prison for asking for her wages. Focus...
Danielle Jeffries thanks Radha Stirling following return to Miami from Dubai
"My name is Danielle Jeffries. Thankfully, Radha Stirling of Detained in Dubai generated media coverage for my case, which was then...