Will Dubai extradite alleged Kinahan associate Sean McGovern
Ireland executed an extradition treaty with the UAE in hope of securing the prosecution of Daniel Kinahan and those close to him.

Assange: NGO calls for extradition treaty review
..an Interpol and extradition focussed NGO has called on several Parliamentary Committees to investigat

Australia Labor set to lose Elon Musk battle
Australian government attempts fine X US$500,000 if he doesn't comply with requests to globally censor content on X. Musk to appeal.

Biden reviews Julian Assange Indictments to avoid humiliation
The Assange team is ‘hopeful’ for Biden’s review of charges against Julian Assange, but what’s really going on behind the scenes at the...

English courts must deny Julian Assange Extradition
UK courts have sufficient legal reason to deny the extradition of Julian Assange. “The UK has more than enough legal reasoning to deny...

Tara Reade granted asylum in Russia
Tara Reade granted safe haven in Russia Tara Reade, after more than three years of intimidation, harassment, and persecution by both...

Qatar Interpol Red Notice for Bounced Cheque - REMOVED
An Australian man celebrated his freedom last week when Radha Stirling, an Interpol and Extradition expert who founded the organisations...

Safeguarding International Travel: Interpol Prevention
In an era where wrongful listings on the Interpol database pose a significant threat to individuals' lives, reputation, and freedom, IPEX...

Stirling deletes another Qatar Interpol Red Notice
This week, the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) removed the name of a British entrepreneur from its Red Notice...

Emirati head of Interpol to face legal action over torture
In 2019, Ali Issa Ahmad, a British football fan, traveled to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to support his team during the Asian Cup....