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Press Release Billy Hood Appeal

Abu Dhabi Courts accept Billy Hood did not traffic nor sell the CBD vape oil left in his car by a visiting friend. They accept that he...

Press Release Billy Hood Appeal

Abu Dhabi Courts accept Billy Hood did not traffic nor sell the CBD vape oil left in his car by a visiting friend. They accept that he “unintentionally possessed” the CBD but have sentenced him to TEN YEARS in prison, despite new legislation eliminating prison sentences for foreigners found in possession and allowing for deportation.

“The UAE has just claimed they will eliminate prison sentences for foreigners found to be in possession of THT products, opting for deportation instead but this law does not come into effect until January 2022 and may not apply retroactively”, said Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai who is lobbying for 25 year old Billy Hood’s release.

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