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Christopher Emms Press Pack

Christopher Emms, 33 year old British Citizen wanted by the FBI for conspiracy

Christopher Emms Press Pack


Christopher Douglas Emms, 33 year old British Citizen wanted by the FBI for “Conspiracy to Violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA)."

British citizen Chris Emms who worked closely with Roger Ver, is a regular speaker on cryptocurrencies. He was invited to a cryptocurrency conference in North Korea following President Trump’s visitation and remarks that there was hope for a future friendship. Chris checked with the British Ambassador before his visit and was advised that while he probably won’t enjoy it, it was perfectly legal for him to go. A number of attendees joined him from different countries, including one US citizen (Virgil Griffith) who he met for the first time, at the event. After a few days in Pyongyang, the conference was over and Chris resumed his normal life.

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