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Biden accuser Tara Reade moving to open 3rd degree sex abuse charges against POTUS
Tara Reade has been hounded and demonized and she’s been fighting back.
Amidst diminishing support for Biden, former Senate aide Tara Reade is pushing to open 3rd degree sexual abuse charges against POTUS.
Tara Reade has been hounded and demonized ever since she went publish about her sexual assault during Biden’s election campaign and she’s been fighting back ever since. Now, she is back in the US and pushing for Attorney General Garland to investigate a criminal complaint for 3rd degree sexual abuse charges and the disclosure of her records which are now held at Delaware University under presidential privilege.
“There is no statute of limitations in Washington DC for such crimes and we hope law enforcement will finally start working for the people and not the administration”, says Due Process International founder, Radha Stirling, who is assisting Ms Reade.
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