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​Interpol abuse spotlighted after Iran Red Notice against Donald Trump

IPEX founder and CEO Radha Stirling specialises in the removal of Interpol Red Notices issued by abusive nations like Iran. Stirling has...

​Interpol abuse spotlighted after Iran Red Notice against Donald Trump

IPEX founder and CEO Radha Stirling specialises in the removal of Interpol Red Notices issued by abusive nations like Iran. Stirling has helped hundreds of Interpol abuse victims over the past decade and has campaigned for reforms to Interpol’s procedures and for sanctions against countries who continue to abuse the system, like Iran, the UAE, Qatar, Russia, China, Egypt and Turkey. Stirling is an expert witness on Interpol abuse in civil and extradition cases, and is part of a working group in DC lobbying for reforms and accountability for wrongful notices. Stirling commented on reports of Trump’s listing with Interpol:

“Iran’s attempt to list the President of the United States and others involved in the drone strike that killed General Qassem Soleimani is a fantastic example of how susceptible the international organisation agency is to abuse by its member states.

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